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Smooth Sail Through Corporate Complexity With Our Secretarial Expertise

Our Secretarial Services ensure your business sails smoothly through the intricacies of corporate governance. From seamless record-keeping to facilitating hassle-free shareholder meetings, we've got you covered. Think of us as your backstage crew, working diligently to keep everything running smoothly while you take centre stage. Trust in our expertise, and let your business thrive with the assurance of meticulous corporate secretarial support.

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Beyond Compliance, Towards Excellence

Excellence Unleashed: Streamlining Corporate Governance with ThinkSME

With a relentless commitment to excellence, we are here to streamline and elevate your corporate governance, compliance, and secretarial functions. At ThinkSME, we understand that effective corporate governance is at the heart of every successful business, and our dedicated team is poised to support you every step of the way.

Our Approach

At ThinkSME, we believe in a holistic approach to corporate secretarial services. We understand that every business is unique, and our services are tailored to meet the specific needs and goals of your organisation. Whether you are a startup navigating the complexities of compliance or an established enterprise seeking to enhance governance practices, we have the expertise to guide you.

Key Insights on Corporate Secretaries 

Navigating Corporate
Compliance in Singapore:


Understanding the role of a Corporate Secretary is pivotal for any business. Here's a breakdown of crucial information you need to know about Corporate Secretaries, aligning with the requirements set forth by the Singapore Companies Act:

1. Mandatory Appointment:

The Corporate Secretary is a mandatory appointment for companies, as stipulated by the Singapore Companies Act. Every company is required to appoint a Corporate Secretary within 6 months of its incorporation.


2. Qualifications and Eligibility:

The appointed Corporate Secretary must be a Singapore Citizen, Permanent Resident, or hold a Singapore Employment Pass/Singapore Dependent Pass. Additionally, the Corporate Secretary must possess a minimum of 3 years of relevant work experience as a secretary of a company before assuming the role in a public company.


3. Restrictions on Appointment:

A sole director or shareholder cannot serve as a Corporate Secretary, ensuring a clear separation of roles and responsibilities.


Understanding these key points ensures that your business adheres to regulatory guidelines and makes informed decisions regarding the appointment and eligibility of a Corporate Secretary. Trust ThinkSME to navigate through these intricacies seamlessly, providing expert guidance tailored to your business needs.

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Our Range of Services


End-to-End Solutions:
Empowering Your Business

with ThinkSME's Corporate Secretarial Services


Company Formation and Registration

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Our team of experts can assist you in the seamless formation and registration of your company, ensuring compliance with all regulatory requirements. From selecting the right business structure to completing the necessary documentation, we take care of the entire process.

Stay ahead of the regulatory landscape with our corporate governance advisory services. We provide strategic guidance on governance best practices, helping you enhance transparency, accountability, and overall board effectiveness.


Corporate Governance Advisory

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Compliance Management

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Navigating the complex web of legal and regulatory obligations can be overwhelming. ThinkSME is your compliance partner, ensuring that your business remains in full adherence to all relevant laws and regulations. We monitor changes in legislation, manage deadlines, and provide proactive solutions to mitigate risks.

Our team handles all aspects of annual compliance and filing, allowing you to focus on your core business activities. From annual reports to statutory filings, we ensure that your company remains in good standing with regulatory authorities.


Annual Compliance and Filing

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Board Meeting Support

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Efficient board meetings are critical to effective decision-making. ThinkSME provides comprehensive support for board meetings, from agenda preparation to minutes drafting, ensuring that your board functions smoothly.


Strategic Support, Legal Vigilance:
Unveiling the Benefits of ThinkSME's Corporate Secretaries

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1. Risk Mitigation and
Compliance Assurance

Our Corporate Secretaries are well-versed in the intricacies of legal and regulatory frameworks. By partnering with ThinkSME, your business gains a vigilant guardian, ensuring full compliance with all relevant laws and regulations. We proactively monitor changes, manage deadlines, and provide tailored solutions, minimising legal risks and safeguarding your company's reputation.

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3. Time and
Resource Optimization

ThinkSME takes the administrative burden off your shoulders, allowing you to focus on core business activities. From meticulous documentation to efficient board meeting support, our Corporate Secretaries ensure that your company operates seamlessly, saving you valuable time and resources.

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2. Enhanced
Corporate Governance

Elevate your corporate governance practices with ThinkSME's strategic guidance. We offer insights into governance best practices, fostering transparency, accountability, and overall board effectiveness. Our Corporate Secretaries contribute to the development of governance structures that inspire investor confidence and stakeholder trust.

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4. Strategic Decision Support

Beyond routine tasks, our Corporate Secretaries act as valuable advisors, providing insights for strategic decision-making. Leveraging their expertise, they contribute to the formulation and execution of corporate strategies, aligning governance practices with your business objectives.


5. Stakeholder Confidence
and Reputation Management

A proficient Corporate Secretary enhances stakeholder confidence by maintaining transparent communication and compliance. ThinkSME's commitment to excellence ensures that your company's reputation remains strong, fostering trust among investors, clients, and the wider business community.

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1. Experienced Certified Advisers

Why us

Our team comprises professionals with extensive experience in corporate secretarial services. We stay abreast of regulatory changes to provide you with accurate and timely advice.

We’re here to simplify your 
business life, to support you and bring every goal within reach, for you to achieve the business you’ve always dreamed of.

We want to share with you our values that lead us every day at work, through which we use to exceed expectations.

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2. Tailored Solutions for Your Specific Needs

We understand that one size does not fit all. Our services are customised to meet the unique needs of your business, ensuring that you receive the support you require.

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3. Technology-driven Solutions

ThinkSME leverages cutting-edge technology to enhance the efficiency of our services. Our digital solutions streamline processes, reduce paperwork, and provide real-time insights.

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4. Commitment to Excellence

Excellence is not just a goal; it's our commitment. ThinkSME is dedicated to delivering top-notch corporate secretarial services that contribute to the success of your business.

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We are here to 
help you succeed

Our team of experienced consultants is on hand to discuss your goals for growth, and how we can help you achieve them.

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(+65) 6012 9642
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Visit us
Singapore – Headquarter
28 Genting Lane,
Platinum 28, #04-08
Singapore 349585


Suite 25.03A, Level 25, City Square Office Tower,

80000 Johor Bahru, Malaysia


9/F Fillinvest One Building Northgate Cyberzone,

Muntinlupa City 1781, Philippines


559/A Aman Nagar, Mirjapur Road,

Hirsar 125001, Haryana, India

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